Birthday Party Basic Training!

Let’s be honest, birthday celebrations have become semi-epic events. Planning, budgeting, and, dare I say, competition has become the norm when it comes to hosting a child’s birthday. It’s January—we have the entire year (and all the celebrating that goes with it) ahead of us. Let’s cover some birthday basics for 2018 to make the planning process both fun and affordable.
First and foremost, remember the party is for your child. Be sure to make it about them, and not you. There is an inherent pressure to make the party on-par with others your child has attended. It’s easy to get caught up in competition. The problem with that is we all have different budgets and capabilities. The only person you should worry about pleasing is your child. Have a discussion with them about what they would like to do—the simplicity of the request may surprise you. If the wish is over-the-top, have a chat about what’s realistic.
Set a budget and stick to it. It’s okay to cut corners on things. Hit the dollar store for affordable fun and décor ideas. Be creative! I have a friend who hosted “Cardboard Wars” and let the kids compete in teams to see what they could build with boxes. They had a blast, and her cost was pretty much zero!
Correlate the number of guests with your child’s age. Do you have a 3-year-old? Invite three other children to celebrate with you beyond the requisite family members. The older a child becomes, the larger their social circle; as they grow, populate a party based on that fact.
Set a dollar limit for gifts. Things can escalate quickly. That $25 your neighbor spent could come back to haunt you when it comes time for their child’s party. Don’t ask for much, and you won’t feel obligated later.
Plan physical activities! If you have a high-energy group, be sure you have the space available to let them play and run off some steam. Every parent loves picking up their child post party—exhausted, sugar spent and ready for a nap—oblige accordingly.
Speaking of sugar—dial back on the candy. If you have something sweet for a featured treat—that’s enough! Trinket bags can be sent along with each guest as they walk out the door, otherwise, things can get lost or broken during the party.
Finally, remember Kids Quest is a great venue for a party! We’ll make the day memorable for your child and their guests, and we can accommodate just about any budget. Best of all, moms and dads can attend the party, or enjoy the resort property until it’s time for cake and gift opening! Schedule it today on this website. Just click on the “Parties” tab to get started!