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Capeless Warriors: Adventures of Real-Life Superheroes

Capeless Warriors January Blog

Chances are, everyone knows a superhero. Whether that superhero is an alien from a comic book movie or from mom’s bedtime stories, superheroes exist everywhere—including in real life. These less-appreciated superheroes don’t wear capes, nor do they shoot lasers from their eyes, but they are selflessly brave all the same.

Doctors and Nurses:

Doctors and nurses are the angels in lab coats and scrubs. They take care of us when we are not feeling well. Doctors know a lot about how our bodies work and they use their knowledge to keep our communities healthy. They work in places called clinics and hospitals. Most people go to see one of these heroes every year for an annual check-up!

EMS (Emergency Medical Services):

EMS, EMTs, and paramedics are emergency medical experts that come to help people in trouble and operate vehicles called ambulances!

  • EMS means “Emergency Medical Services” and it’s a team made up of EMTs and Paramedics. They work together to help someone in need of medical care.
  • EMTs are “Emergency Medical Technicians”, and they are medical professionals trained in first aid. Their job is to transport patients to the hospital safely. They know how to use all the different equipment inside ambulances.
  • Paramedics are like EMTs, with more advanced training. They can do advanced medical procedures and help patients before they arrive at the hospital.

Firefighters (Fire and Rescue):

Firefighters are trained professionals in charge of controlling and putting out fires. Firefighters drive firetrucks—a big red truck with lots of different tools—and operate powerful water pumps to help put out fires. Firefighters also rescue people who are trapped inside burning buildings. Firefighters do more than just fight fires. They help during big storms and other emergencies, and they also respond to medical emergencies. In fact, firefighters help with medical emergencies more often than they fight fires!

911 Dispatch:

When you call 911, the 911 dispatcher picks up the call from the other side of the phone. 911 dispatchers don’t go out into the field, but they oversee gathering information and sending help in the right direction. The 911 call center is kind of like air traffic control: they are responsible for directing all the emergency services to the right places as quickly as possible.

Police/Law Enforcement:

The police make sure that citizens follow the law and protect the people from dangerous situations. They investigate crime scenes and arrest criminals. Police use all sorts of different gadgets to help with their job. They can use different forms of transportation, like cars, bicycles, motorcycles, and even horses!


The lifeguard’s job is to make sure everyone stays safe at pools, beaches, and waterparks. They wear bright uniforms and hold foam objects called ‘tubes’ and whistles. Lifeguards are trained in basic first aid and CPR and they must know how to swim! Lifeguards rescue swimmers in trouble! They also make sure people are following the rules and avoiding accidents. Lifeguards ensure the pool is a fun place to be!

Although superheroes who wear capes and fire laser beams from their eyes don’t exist, these everyday superheroes are the heroes who selflessly risk their own safety to protect their communities. These unseen heroes are your first responders and essential workers who are responsible for keeping their communities happy, healthy, and safe! The next time you see these heroes in action, don’t forget to say “hello” and “thank you!”