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It’s Not Over! 10 Ways to Survive Cold and Flu Season!

Flu and Cold

Spring break is just around the corner and we have a few tips to keep you and your family safe while you travel from here to there.

  • Get a flu shot, experts agree that the best defense is the flu vaccine
  • Dose up on vitamin C by eating fresh citrus fruits. In addition, vitamin C tablets, gummies and other immune boosters like Emergen-C and Airborne will help ward off illness in the weeks prior to travel or a major life event.
  • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water, and while you’re at it, gargle with plain water too.
  • Get your rest. Listen to your body. If you feel run down, nap or go to bed early. Don’t try to trudge through fatigue. Tired people are asking for a virus invasion.
  • Carry hand sanitizer wherever you go to provide a barrier against germs found on high-traffic surfaces like shopping carts, bathroom fixtures, and door handles.
  • A cough or sneeze into your arm or sleeve to contain the spread of germs.
  • Wash bedding and towels in hot water during flu season, and do it more often.
  • Whenever possible, use disposable paper towels and disinfectant wipes in lieu of cloth towels which can be germ carriers.
  • Drink ginger tea or ginger ale if you are experiencing an upset stomach.
  • Zinc lozenges or zinc nasal swabs work to break up rhinoviruses trying to multiply.
  • Buy a toothbrush or brush head after a bout with a cold or flu—germs can linger, and you could end up getting sick again.

Want more travel tips? Check out our Road Trip Game Ideas or HuffPost’s 16 Tips To Stay Healthy While Traveling or Parenting Magazine’s Kid-Friendly Road Trip Planner